I love being a newborn photographer in first worth Texas !! Fort worth is one of the best places to do newborns because so many amazing families are always adding to their already adorable crew!! When sweet Jessica called about Nash's newborn pictures I was so excited since I have had girls in the studio for 3 straight weeks!! Although I adore all babies girls or boys! Having a little guy with beautiful dark hair and squishy cheeks just made my Friday afternoon!! Newborn photography is certainly one of the most challenging fields to work in because not only do you need to know how to safely handle a new baby but also doing so to where you get the amazing squishy rolls baby images you always see on my page at paisley bird photography! Newborn are my jam and I adore meeting parents and working with moms and dads during the newborn session here in Fort Worth Texas . I love doing the very first family portrait at my studio during a newborn session because moms and dads will always remember their little ones being so perfect and small! Sweet Nash was such a doll for me during our session he barely made a peep during his session. I had him in buckets and, the potato sack pose within the 1st hour after family photos being done! It was one of my best sessions with all the set up we got through and we stuck with a netural palette for mom & dad and it was so much fun!!
Newborn photography in Fort Worth Texas is the best!! I seriously can't imagine doing any other type of photography since babies truly are perfection and don't tall back!! Nash was amazing & I wanted to keep him!!
Fort Worth Texas if you need to Newborn photographer call paisley bird photography we know babies and we love babies!!