Guys. I start this blog post off first off with thank you. Thank you for reading this because I sometimes get caught up with busy. We all do. I get to see and take family first pictures, first sibling photos together, first time cake eating pictures. I guess for the length of this career (can I call it that) I never realized how lucky I hold that blessing. So thank you to all of my amazing clients for the firsts you have allowed me to be apart of. I as many people know just love so much and wear my hear on my sleeve and just balled my eyes out after I saw these pictures of phenix and thought... I did her first pictures and now her first cake eating pictures, that to me is like wow.. I am trusted beyond measure. She was and is absouly the sweetest and funniest little things ever! She and that little booty dance she does each time I see her just kills me! Bet part by far of this job is the personalities of each child I work with! Pheniox is just the most beautiful soul and this BIG brown eyes just steal your heart away! We kept her milestone session a neutral and pink tone with some greens also. I will also say I don't do cake smash session for just anyone as awful as that sounds! I only offer these to return clients that have booked newborn sessions with me. Because cake smash sessions are so much fun but also just as important to do as newborns to show the change in your child in one year! Grow with me sessions are normally done at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months & 12 months and a cake and a bath is also included! The milk bath during these milestone sessions have been such a huge hit I just love offering them each time even to little boys! Babies love a warm bath and the up side to doing them also for mom is the after a messy cake they get clean and are ready for their clothes and a nap after! Its a win/win for everyone! I adore doing grow with me sessions in the Weatherford Texas area because children are just the best things ever! I hope to work with your family in the Northern Texas area also!