First off. I don't just travel for anyone 3 hours away from my home in springtown texas. This is my family. This is my new niece, I have lived outside of the state of texas for every baby my brother & sister in law have had. And the moment I knew Iris was on her way I was planning to leave and go grab her up and snuggle her! I grabbed my Thomas & Lily my niece & nephew when mom and dad got to the hospital and that same day Iris was born! Julie my sister in law is my hero she has had three babies completely natural and she had it together amazingly! Ada mercy hospital is the cutest hospital and I made new friends with the nurses and I just was overwhelmed with emotions seeing this new little girl that is forever apart of my own family, It reminded me how incredibly important it is to capture those first fresh hours after your baby is born! I love photographing in hospital sessions in the Fort Worth area because it really is all just a big blur! Don't let it be! Call me lets get coffee, tea whatever and we will talk about what you want! I love making these sessions special because most of the time its the first time a sibling will see their brand new brother or sister and really its so heart warming to capture this time.
If you are in the North texas area and want to book a fresh 48 session get with me and we will make it happen!